Ficticious Website) Many of the Term Paper

Total Length: 580 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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2. The most important information is associated with the vendors and merchandise. The customers need to be aware at all times of the developments in the company's portfolio of activity, as well as what the characteristics of new products are in terms of price, design or materials. Another type of information that needs to be provided is related to the online mechanism for administrative issues such as online ordering and payment, delivery and logistics. The client will need to be fully aware of these issues and could be informed both through a FAQ page on the website and a page with administrative explanations, as well as through the newsletter and through the chat room, by company employees that can facilitate this.

Another important information, especially since this is a direct-to-customer business, can be the future trend in the company, letting the client in on future strategies that the company is planning.
For example, if the bridal boutique was announced in due time, then it is likely that some current clients might have cancelled their intention to but a bridal gown elsewhere, knowing that Lavish would provide this. The informational function can play an important promotional function as well.

I think that the website should also provide plenty of pictures of some of the merchandise, since these can often be regarded as being more descriptive than words. For example, the different types of fashion should have pictures to give the client information as close to reality as possible, along with information relating to the product (colors it comes in, material etc.).

On the other hand, we might also want to have some real testimonials on the website, in case we might be able to….....

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