Fibermyoalgia or Fibromyalgia Is a Term Paper

Total Length: 892 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Doctors should be consulted on their effectiveness and safety (NIAMSD).

In the meantime, a person with fibromyalgia can help himself or herself feel better besides taking medicines (National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Disorders 2004). He can try to get enough sleep of the right kind to ease or lessen the pain and fatigue. Although pain and fatigue may make exercise and daily activities difficult, the person should be as physically active as possible. Studies show that regular exercise is, in fact, among the most effective treatments of the condition. A patient can try walking or doing mild exercise slowly and according to the severity of his condition. He can or should also make adjustments at work, such as reducing his working hours or change to a less strenuous type of work, change some things in his work space. His diet also deserves a second look. Some persons suffering from fibromyalgia said they felt better after eating or avoiding certain foods. While there is no specific or prescribed diet for fibromyalgia, it is always important that a person eats a balanced diet. Proper nutrition will not only provide more energy and general well-being but also help avoid other health problems from developing or occurring.

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Current researches conducted on fibromyalgia offer a greater understanding of pain. Previous studies showed that those suffering from it have reduced blood flow in the parts of the brain, which help the body deal more effectively with pain. Funded researchers will not use a modern imaging technology, called positron emission tomography or PET to compare blood flow between those with the condition and those without it. This early, researchers believed that reproductive hormones could play a role in the increased sensitivity to pain of people afflicted with fibromyalgia. They will study the role of sex hormones in pain sensitivity, in reaction to stress and in symptom perception at the different points of the menstrual cycle. Other studies will try to understand more about stress, how exercise improves the body's response to stress by enhancing the function of the pituitary and adrenal glands, how to improve sleep, evaluate the hereditary predisposition of fibromyalgia, target treatments. The effectiveness of gabapentin will be investigated in reducing the symptoms of the condition. Gabapentin has been found to be effective in relieving chronic pain caused by nervous system disorders and was recently approved by the FDA for the treatment of persistent and severe pain following an attack of shingles (NIAMSD)......

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