FedEx and Pacex Throughout Previous Thesis

Total Length: 858 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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The response to this challenge is a twofold one -- the first approach sees that the PacEx representatives assess the market conditions (including the legislation) and promote the company efforts in full accordance with local customs and norms. Secondly, it is necessary to approach the local authorities and promote the PacEx agenda as being beneficial for Kava as it creates more jobs, increases the living standards of the population and sustains their professional formation.

Resource Requirements

In implementing the recruitment and training plan for the Federal Express offices in Kava, it is necessary to make use of several resources, succinctly presented below:

in order to ensure the success of the campaign through sustained guidance, it is necessary to get the assistance of the marketing specialists in the FedEx headquarters to create and air the campaign, select the candidates and hold interviews, it is also necessary to get the support of the FedEx employees the previous two specifications reveal the need for human resource

the modification of the campaign to suit the PacEx needs will generally be achieved through computers and electronic equipments, leading as such to the conclusion that we will also require technological and equipment resources finally, the actual airing of the campaign and the training of the new PacEx employees requires financial resources

Cultural and Ethical Implications

The first and cultural implication is given by the field of linguistics, in the meaning that the native born employees will have to improve their English speaking skills.
Yet, this should not be perceived as a negative impact since it will only have the benefit of improving the skills of the employees and supporting their professional formation. The second potential implication, of an ethical nature, is the perception of the individuals in Kava that the new employees are working for an American corporation, which is not looking to support the local development of Kava, but is only striving to gain access to cost effective labor force and exploit it. This effect has a more negative connotation, but will be overcome by a continuous emphasis on the positive role PacEx plays in the local community......

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