Fear of Pollution Is a Term Paper

Total Length: 1591 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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Both women suffer hard and endure their pain gracefully. Wang Ya-Ming cries but does not feel sorry for herself. Her tears are like a symbolic means of self-purification. She stood "with her back to the classroom," and did not make a habit of crying (3). Her inner strength is evident in her self-composure. Wang Ya-Ming is stalwart and self-contained. She studies hard and for the most part ignores and quietly endures the taunting and teasing. At one point in the story, the narrator notices that her chin was "tilted slightly higher than usual, as through she were calmed by a feeling of repose and a sense of contentment," (3). When she is forced to sleep on a hard bench outside of the dorm bedroom, she comments, "Sleep is sleep no matter where you lie down, so what's the difference," (5). In a similar way, Hsiang Lin's Wife demonstrates remarkable strength and composure.
Her putting up a fight before her second marriage is a prime example of how she inwardly resists conformity but at the same time accepts the confines of her culture.

Both "New Year's Sacrifice" and "Hands" show how norms can severely affect people who are different, or people who step outside the boundaries of the social code. Hsiang Lin's Wife and Wang Ya-Ming are strong female characters who suffer from emotional and physical pain due to their being ostracized. They are ostracized because they are viewed as being impure and polluted by their peers and by their community. Both women endure their fate silently, knowing that there is little leeway in a closed and socially strict society. The authors of both stories treat their theme with….....

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