Faith in Healing and Medicine Term Paper

Total Length: 1002 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Healthcare & Faith

The author of this report has been asked to answer a few questions pertaining to faith and healthcare. The first question will be a compare and contrast of Christianity and Buddhism using the seven worldview questions as a prism. The second question asks the author to do a comparative analysis of the two faith systems and religions. Next, the author will explain the author's personal spiritual perspective on healing. The author will then explain the critically common religions/beliefs when it comes to healing, prayer, meditation and so forth. Next, there will be a description of what would be important to patients of a faith that is delivered by healthcare providers that are of a different religious persuasion. Lastly, the author of this report will explain what was learn as part of this project. While the religions of the world are quite similar in many respects when it comes to healthcare, they are also quite different in a litany of ways.


When it comes to Christianity, the prime reality would be God or the "material cosmos." When it comes to external reality, the answers "point to whether we see the world as created or autonomous, as chaotic or orderly" and so forth. In the case of Christianity, it is believed that there is an orderly system to things even if we do not understand it and it was created by God himself. A human being is a highly complex machine that was created in the image of God. For Christians, it is possible to know things because God has given us the power and ability to do so. Christians know right from wrong based on what is explained in the Bible as well as that little internal function that we call a conscience.
Finally, the purpose of human history is simply an outgrowth of what God has created and everything has (or will) happen for a reason (, 2015).

In Buddhism, the prime reality (and reality in general) is called dhamma or dharma. It is the supernatural framework that keeps things in order. The nature of the world as it exists is suffering with Buddhists. A currently living human being is the current manifestation of someone who has lived prior and has come back in a different body and form. Buddhists believe that the universe has always existed and functions in a cyclical format. Knowledge is deemed possible through releasing one's self and using meditation and rituals. Right and wrong is determined by whether it is healthy and/or if it hurts someone. For example, if it hurts someone, it is wrong. History has shown a reliance and over-obsession with desire and greed (FFE, 2015).

Per the research done above, the author of this report will answer the rest of the questions. In terms of how the above religions compared,….....

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