Failure of It Systems Evaluation Research Proposal

Total Length: 953 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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Once this data is captured, the third objective of building an equilibrium-based model that conceptually defines the relationship of companies who chose to invest from a strategy standpoint over those that were functionally-driven and the differences in profitability as a result. This model will also be used as the basis of creating a four-step maturity model that will attempt to show how over time strategy-based implementations are more effective at creating collaboration within and between firms choosing this approach.


The most significant benefit of this study is determining what factors contribute to the success or failure of CRM systems, taking into account implementation planning and strategies to mitigate resistance to change. The success or failure of CRM system implementations is often with the area of change management and alignment of these systems to business strategies (Foss, Stone, Ekinci, 2008). The proposed research will show through an equilibrium model and maturity model how best to manage CRM systems implementations.


The structure of the proposed dissertation will be aligning with ISM guidelines including literature review, theory, methodology, analysis and conclusions.


The methodology will be entirely based on secondary research as the sampling frame will be publically held companies who have recently implemented CRM systems in the last five years.

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Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) will be used for analyzing the data.

Critical Analysis

Using the series of SPSS routines the data will be analysed to determine the level of causality and strength of predictability, and will also take into account spending on infrastructure and ERP systems to determine their effects on profitability. The coding of the specific variable for functional vs. strategy-based will also is completed at the interval scale so the statistical analysis can be completed using parametric routines and tools.


The use of Mergent Online for historical profitability figures, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission's many files including the 10K, 8K and 10Q of each firm will be used. A data set will be created and analysed using SPSS to determine causality.

Project Timeframe

It is anticipated that the data set will take approximately two months to produce, with the final dissertation completed in the 4th quarter of 2010......

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