Fahrenheit 911: Movie Review Michael Moore's Political Term Paper

Total Length: 332 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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Fahrenheit 911: Movie Review

Michael Moore's political documentary, Fahrenheit 9/11, about the Bush administration's first four years in office has generated a lot of controversy and in the process broken all box-office records for the genre.

The film, described as an "op-ed" piece by Moore, is anything but a run-of-the-mill documentary. Michael Moore, the producer, writer, director and narrator of the movie has no intention of looking at the "other side of the picture" while judging President George W. Bush and his performance in office.

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As a result, the movie was bound to offend (and does offend) the Bush supporters. At the same time, it raises some very provocative and thought-provoking questions about the Bush administration's handling of the 9/11 terrorist attacks and its aftermath. Not all of the charges against President Bush are new but have been presented in an innovative manner on film.

The Bush family is accused of having had long-standing business relations with the Bin-Ladins and other Saudis and Moore attributes the….....

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