Extended Definition: Financial Advisor Has Term Paper

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It is therefore possible that these professionals will need to investigate all levels of the customer's needs. Issues such as hopes, dreams and desires are for example taken into account together with more concrete issues such as taxes, insurance and retirement. These are all considered together in terms of the customer's stated needs. Because this is such a complicated and involved process, many financial advisors limit their expertise to provide optimal advice on only one aspect of financial planning or investing, while others attempt to be as global as possible. The customer with singular or simplified financial needs may make use of the former, while those with several different assets and investments may make use of the latter.

What type of financial advisor is chosen therefore depends greatly upon the specific needs and perceived financial competence of the customer. A customer who is not very informed regarding the financial world for example may wish to make use of a professional with a wider range of expertise.

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An experienced customer on the other hand may benefit more optimally from the specified expertise of a more focused advisor. Less experienced persons could also make use of a combination of financial planners and advisors. A financial planner could for example help a customer to specify his or her specific financial needs, and help to find the correct advisor for the identified purpose.

What is most important is that the customer be aware of the necessary documentation for the specific level of financial advice required. An advisor that not only provides financial planning, but services such as securities trading or insurance assistance as well, should hold the appropriate licenses. The customer should properly investigate the institutions or individuals that they wish to employ in this regard.

A good financial advisor is vitally important in order to help customers plan effectively for their future. With the correct advice, a customer can ensure lifelong financial security......

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