Expatriate Employees Performance Management Essay

Total Length: 1103 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT Performance ManagementOverviewFrom the onset, it would be prudent to note that one of the most crucial elements in as far as strategic global HR management is concerned happens to be expatriate performance management. It therefore follows that the relevance of developing an effective expatriate performance management system cannot be overstated for multinationals that intend to remain competitive in an increasingly competitive global business arena. This write-up largely concerns itself with performance management systems in corporations with operations in multiple locations across the world.Discussiona) Expatriate Performance Management System: Key VariablesOne of the most crucial variables on this front happens to be performance expectation. This has been defined by Adler (2018) as “how the assigned duties and responsibilities should be performed” (74). Thus, on this front, the focus ought to be on what is required of the employee, i.e. in as far as expected results are concerned.The second key variable happens to be performance evaluation. This relates to the measurement of the extent to which the job responsibilities assigned to the employee are being fulfilled.Third, we have contextual considerations as yet another key variable that should be addressed on this front. This is especially important because as Smither and London (2009), point out, “context is the key to understanding appraisal in organizations” (115). This is useful because the context in which the performance of various roles and duties takes place differs from one place to another.Next, we have fairness as the other important variable in as far as expatriate performance management system is concerned. According to Cokins (2020), some performance management systems fail to function as intended because of their failure to ensure that they are equitable.Lastly, we have career development. In this case, there would be need to put measures in place to ensure that expatriate employees have opportunities to keep advancing along their preferred career path.b) Elements to be taken into Consideration in Performance Management SystemsWith regard to performance expectation, one of the elements that ought to be taken into consideration in the performance management systems is planning and goal setting.

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In this case, exactly what constitutes effective or acceptable performance has to be clearly stated (Cokins, 2020). This should ideally be done at the onset…

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…conducting expatriate performance evaluations happens to be what Cardy and Leonard (2014) refer to as “host national management’s perception of actual job performance” (211). According to the authors, in some scenarios, there may be need to involve local management in the evaluation of the expatriate employee. The problem on this front happens to be the deployment of the cultural frame of the host nation to undertake the same evaluation. This could result in a misfit of sorts in as far as expectations are concerned – and, hence, the likelihood of an otherwise competent employee being deemed incompetent (Cardy and Leonard, 2014).Secondly, Cardy and Leonard (2014) indicate that the home office may be removed from the realities on the ground and, hence, have an inaccurate perspectives with regard to job performance. More specifically, in the words of the authors, “because the home office management is geographically distanced from the expatriate, it is often not fully aware of what is happening overseas” (Cardy and Leonard, 2014, p. 215). This, as the authors further indicate, could result in the deployment of an inappropriate set of variables – which….....

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