Evolution of Canadian Military the Term Paper

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They performed in the battle very well and made them known throughout countries.

The Battle of Amiens (1918)

In 1917, the Canadians form a group of soldiers fighting on the Western Front and became the attack troop of the British Army. Microsoft Encarta Reference Library stated that "Many Canadians -- including William "Billy" Bishop, Raymond Collishaw, William Baker, and Don MacLaren -- were among the war's top fighter aces." Soon, with their previous attacks they were able to reconstruct their forces to prepare for the next war. The Battle of Amiens started August 8, 1918. The Germans knew about the front of the British troop which was the Canadians and the Australians. Around Amiens, the Canadian Forces assembled and planned for the attack to the Germans, they went even far to the south of Kemmel to attack the target and studied the terrain by wearing the brand of Australians soldiery. The battle began by the aggressive attacked of the Army formed by the British, Australians and Canadian troops during the dark cloudy sky from north to south. They were able to capture some of the Germans through advanced phases of different battalions. In just over 3 hours, the enemy's front line had been overrun, the Allied forces captured 29,144 prisoners, 338 guns, and liberated 116 towns and villages; Ludendorff called 8 August "the black day of the German army." The battle ended when the Canadians captured the Belgian City of Mons.

The First World War has three stages but then during the first stage of the war they were not involved. The second stage of the war was the Battle of Ypres from April 22 to May 4 of 1915 wherein there were 6,000 Canadian forces died. The third stage of the war was the Battle of Amiens where they greatly involved in the initial phase of the formation, planning until the end of the battle.

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Throughout the war, Canadians showed a remarkable performance and improvement of their allied forces. Soon the Canadian forces became independent and consistently fighting together with the British and Australians.


The participation of the Canadians in different combats made them known throughout the world and made them loved their own country. Through the attacks made by them it helped them instill their nationalism and came up with the evolution of Canadian military. Canada was granted the only Dominion seat at the peace negotiations signifying a worldwide recognition of Canada and its place in international affairs. Throughout the world, Canadians are recognized as an independent nation and is respected in their political and military organization.

Cruise, B. Evolution of the Canadian Military: The Boer War, Vimy Ridge and Dieppe [online]. Available at http://www.friends-amis.org/essay2_e.html;Internet; accessed 8 November 2005.

Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2005. Boer War. 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation.

Schuszter, A. The Growth of Nationalism and the Evolution of Canadian Military Leadership [online]. Available at http://www.friends-amis.org/essay4_e.html;Internet; accessed 8 November 2005.

Microsoft Encarta Reference Library 2005. Canadian Forces: World War I. 1993-2004 Microsoft Corporation.

The Battle of Amiens. The Attack [online]. Available at http://www.awm.gov.au/1918/battles/amiens.htm;Internet; accessed 8 November 2005.

Schuszter, A. The Growth of Nationalism and the Evolution of Canadian Military Leadership [online]. Available at http://www.friends-amis.org/essay4_e.html;Internet; accessed 8 November 2005......

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