Evolution of Canada's Military Essay

Total Length: 815 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Boer War

A Discussion of how the Boer War helped to Shape Modern Day Canada

The Boer War was not a Canadian war. Rather, it was a war started and perpetuated British influence and Canada's participation was mandated by British dominion. As a result of their colonization, Canada had little influence over strategies or direction of the war. At the time Canada was a self-governing colony which had no control over its foreign policy. Canada's military contribution to this war was very important but it was still Britain who had control over Canada's military. However, Canada's participation in the war was as a turning point in the country's history in which its fostering of its own command over its military eventually led it on an eventual path to independence. This essay will provide a brief overview of how Canada increased its sovereignty over its forces and its importance to the development Canada.

Analysis of the War

Before the World War, Canada was requested to transfer control over their army to foreign command. At the time, Canada's experience with transferring control of military forces to another nation was reminiscent of their involvement in the Boer War that occurred in 1899-1902 (The Loyal Edmonton Regiment Museum, 2010).
In the Boer War, Canadian army was under the control of British forces. This represented the first conflict in which Canada sent a large number of troops for an overseas conflict. The Boer War was essentially a war between the British and its allied forces against the Afrikaner Republics of South Africa and the Orange Free State (CBC, 2001). At the conclusion of the fighting, it has been estimated that more than 7,300 soldiers and 16 nurses had sailed from Canada to South Africa, of which approximately 270 were killed there. It was in the Boer War that Canada first showed signs of its military prowess.

Contrasting the positions of Canadian foreign policies of the Boer War and the First World War there are many distinctions. In the Boer War, Canada was effectively obligated to supply its military leadership to Britain. However, when World War 1 began to emerge, Canada was more autonomous regarding its military forces. Some historians have sited this event as the possible birth of Canadian independence movement (Morton, N.d.). Within three years, a million Canadian men had volunteered for the war, at least one in every two men of military age. Furthermore, in Europe lieutenants had the.....

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