Etymology of the Word Scum Term Paper

Total Length: 1295 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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The same was compound to kuzdho-zd- which means "sitting (over) a treasure." This also gave the derivative custody which came from the Latin form of meaning "guard." Another derivative is kishke coming from the Russian term kishka meaning "gut or sheath."

Suffixed extended zero-grade form *kut-no- produced the derivative cunnilingus which came from the Latin term cunnus meaning "vulva or sheath." Another extended root keudh- gave the derivative hide which came from the Old English term dan meaning "to hide or cover up."

Germanic suffixed lengthened zero-grade form d-jan, producing the derivative hut, from French term hutte meaning "hut," also from Germanic suffixed zero-grade form n-. Another derivative is huddle which came from the Low German term hudeln that means "to crowd together," and it may also came from the Germanic term d-. Lastly, the derivative shieling came from a Scandinavian source that is similar to the Old Norse term li, that means "hut" and from the Germanic suffixed o-grade form skaw-ala-. (

In other sources, scum was also defined as an extraneous matter or impurities risen to or formed on the surface of a liquid often as a foul filmy covering. This meaning could be compared to a Pond Scum. Another definition is scum as the scoria of metals in a molten state, or scum as a slimy film on a solid or gelatinous object.
It could also mean a low, vile or worthless person or group of people. (

Scum could be found quoted in the following: as a noun, "We're talking scum here. Air should be illegal if they breathe it." [Washington, DC, Policeman. quoted by P.J. O'Rourke in Rolling Stone (New York, 30 Nov. 1989)] and in "We have in the service the scum of the earth as common soldiers." [Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke Wellington (1769-1852), British soldier, prime minister. Dispatch, July 2, 1813, from Vitoria, Spain, to Lord Bathurst, War Minister. Quoted in Stanhope, Notes of Conversations with the Duke of Wellington (November 4, 1831)]; and as an adjective, "Asking to die: "To die, dear God, before a scum of doubt, Smear the whole universe, and smudge it out." Meanwhile the bees fumbled among the flowers." [Philip Larkin (1922-1986), British poet. "Under a splendid chestnut tree," Columbia Encyclopedia]......

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