Ethnic Newspapers in the United Term Paper

Total Length: 677 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Besides, they also lack funds for conducting audits and readership surveys which the advertisement agencies demand. However, this is changing. The ethnic media which have since long ignored and taken too lightly, a lot of converging factors are rendering media decision makers to acknowledge the importance of the ethnic press. First of all, the mainstream newspaper industry is in the middle of a persisting decline in revenue as well as readership.

Further, their problems have been worsened by the declining advertisement market, rendering advertisers increasingly choosy regarding where they put in their cash. This slowdown in the mainstream media had opened the opportunity to other forms of media, with the ethnic press prepared to rival for limited advertisement budgets. Simultaneously, the ethnic press is getting smarter; the papers are starting to organize and strongly looking forward for advertisement at the national level.
Due to these endeavors, and stirred by latest Census Bureau figures displaying the multicultural and multilingual aspects of U.S. several advertisers are beginning to rise to recognize the potential of the ethnic press. Whereas a lot of the smaller papers have circulations ranging from 5,000 and 10,000, a lot of important newspapers are coming out with circulations of 3, 60,000 which is the Chinese-language World Journal and 615,000 which is the La Opinion. Whereas, the ethnic newspapers cannot match the reach, breadth and marketing expertise which the advertisers desire, ethnic newspapers attempt to compensate for those drawbacks with bargain advertisement rates. In this case, a higher return on investment with the smaller ethnic newspaper as one is not talking in terms of people out to make immense amounts of money. (News, Noticias, Nouvelles-non-English newspapers).....

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