Ethnic Domain Essay

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Ethnic Domain Clarksville, TN

Similar to the states in South Eastern USA, Tennessee, although housing some of the region's most underprivileged and segregated cities, has acquired its fair share of ethnic and racial diversity. Its ten biggest cities include Clarksville and Knoxville, ranked as the least and most diversified in terms of income, respectively, for the African-American racial group. Further, Clarksville is a city of interest as it has achieved low income gaps and high fusion and diversity levels (Sharma). Similarly, a declaration of Clarksville's Industrial Development Board indicates the city's chief employers are: Clarksville City (9,989 workers), Clarksville-Montgomery County School System (3,900 workers), and Montgomery County Government (921 workers). The chief opportunities in Morristown lie in the following sectors: manufacturing (7,660 workers), administrative or office jobs (5,980 workers), material transport (4,380 workers), sales and associated jobs (4,320 workers), and education/library/training (3,390 workers) (BLS).

Clarksville city underwent swift growth. By the year 1806, the then-town of Clarksville felt the need for a school; consequently, its Rural Academy was instituted that very year. The Mount Pleasant Academy subsequently replaced it. By the year 1819, this newly founded town boasted of twenty-two stores, which includes a silversmith and bakery.
The next year, steamboats started navigating the Cumberland River, bringing in sugar, hardware, glass, coffee, and fabric. Exports from Clarksville included flour, corn, tobacco, and cotton down the Mississippi and the Ohio to New Orleans, Pittsburgh, and other ports (Satz).

Trade along land routes also flourished, with the establishment of four major dirt roads: Russellville Road, Kentucky Road (which crossed the Southeast's Red River by means of ferry, and two roads to Nashville). The year 1829 witnessed the construction of the very first bridge across the aforementioned Red River, linking Clarksville and the New Providence. The year 1838 saw the construction of the Hopkinsville-Clarksville Turnpike. In 1855, authorities decided to accord Clarksville the status of a city. Four years later, train, with the construction of the Louisville, Memphis, and Clarksville Railroad, could access Clarksville. This line would subsequently go on to link to other routes at Guthrie, Kentucky and Paris, Tennessee (Satz).

By the beginning of the US Civil War 20,000 individuals inhabited Montgomery County and Clarksville city. The region's tobacco planters relied on slaves to operate their labor-intensive trade; tobacco was then a key commodity crop. In the year 1861, Montgomery County as.....

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