Ethical Issues and Employees Essay

Total Length: 676 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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Ethical Issues Regarding the use of RFID

Ventron United sent out a memo to all their employees that they would be required to carry (Radio Frequency Identification), and the chips will be inserted into their left or right hands. The company believes that the RFID will allow employees to open doors, log on computers and use a computer. Moreover, the company also reveals that the RIFD will assist them monitoring their high-level security equipment because the company has experienced a break in recently. While Ventron United can realize some benefits by inserting the RFID on the hands of the employees, I believe this policy raises the ethical and health issues.

The objective of this paper is to discuss the ethical and health issues related to the use of RFID by employees.

Ethical Issues related to Inserting RFID on Employees Hands

This paper is in the response of the RFID chips that Ventron United is trying to implant into employees' hands. After doing some research about the ethical and health dilemma surrounding the use of RFID on humans, I believe that the use of the RFID is not desirous because implanting the RFID devices in human skins can raise the chance of infections on employees.
Moreover, the company is open the doors for potential long-term heath issues or litigations if these devices are cleared for use.

In the contemporary business environment, the RFID tags are used to track inventory, shopping trends and stolen items. However, the ethical issues come into play when a company decides to use RFID for a human. In the memo sent to employees requiring all employees to have RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) inserted into their right hand or left hand. I believe that the decision made by the company is tantamount to intrusion to privacy. While the company argues that the use of RFID will assist employees to open doors, log on computers and use a computer, nevertheless, the tags will make the company to monitor the employee activities as well as collecting their private information. One of the big problems about the RFID is that the company can remotely monitor employees whenever they are if the RFID is inserted into their hands. There are even issues where some people use the private information collected to blackmail the victims. By mandating employees to wear RFID devices, I believe that physical privacy and informational privacy of employees can….....

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