Ethical Issues Conflicts of Interest Essay

Total Length: 1232 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 10

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Ethical Issues

Conflicts of Interest

Conflict of interest emerges when an inividual in power uses their position to exploit situations to their advantage. For instance, if a law firm attempted representing the same couple in a divorce case (Legal Dictionary, 2018). Conflict of interest is a manifestation of structural failures of any society. The practice touches on a wide range of societal elements, including legal, political, and administrative aspects. Once public officers engage in acts of conflict of interest, they lose public trust (Pathranarakul, 2005).

Prosecutors often find themselves in the tight sport of conflict of interest. It is easy to be diverted from the mission to deliver justice when one is a prosecutor because of the ever-conflicting interests, and motivations one is exposed to (Green &Roiphe, 2017). In the case of lawyers, incidents in which personal interest comes into conflict with that of the client amount to a conflict of interest(Kindregan, 1976).

Ethical Issues related to Conflict of Interest

The executive team in any organization is often faced with issues of ethical nature in complex and conflicting situations. The basis of conflict of interest is the social values structure and the standards of ethics in a given setup. At the same time, some people do not realize that there is a problem when there is a conflict of interest, the bar for civilized people demands that society disapproves of the violation of ethical behavior and moral decorum (Pathranarakul, 2005).

Distrust of the judicial system

The genesis of societal distrust towards its institutions is anchored on a range of actions that promote the perception of injustice. Poor performance by the political class and the institutions that they run is what bred the reinforcement of the emergent counter-majority organizations, especially about the judiciary system.
According to Claus Offe (1999), institutional distrust arises because of their incoherence involving the allotted resources. Trusting institutions are driven by the assumption that the society where they exist is aware of their primary norms and function, visa-a-vis the normative values for which they were established in the…

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…in resolving disputes within the criminal justice systems. While circle sentencing was initially meant to address the needs of the aborigines, it is now applied to non-aboriginal offenders. It is a flexible process that can be applied to the young and old in a wide range of circumstances, including disputes to do with child welfare. Circle sentencing was hatched in New Zealand and Australia. It features many aspects of family conflict resolution. The use of circle sentencing should be reserved for only the offenders who feel motivated and come with community support. It should not be treated as a panacea (Lilles, 2002).


Conflict of interest is, ideally, corruption. It is about using one's position to gain an advantage. It is a violation of the law and ethical policies. It should be discouraged because it amounts to manipulation informed by one’s authority. Public service is likely to suffer if a conflict of interest is ignored. Conflict of interest leads to constricting civil liberties. It obliterates neutrality and thus subjugates justice. Conflict of interest….....

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