Ethical Issues That May Arise in Conducting Essay

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ethical issues that may arise in conducting primary research in human services. Then explain how you might apply one professional ethical guideline/code and one IRB guideline to prevent and/or address these ethical issues. Be specific, and reference the guidelines or codes.

Ethical issues that might arise when conducting social work

Different cultures have different standards about the appropriate gender roles of men and women. According to the National Association of Social Workers: "(c) Social workers should obtain education about and seek to understand the nature of social diversity and oppression with respect to race, ethnicity, national origin, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, political belief, religion, immigration status, and mental or physical disability" (1.05). This may place a social worker in a difficult position when he or she perceives a client is in an exploitative relationship, such as a wife who is likely being physically abused by her husband or partner.

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The social worker must ask him or herself: am I mistranslating the norms of this culture into my own, or is this a situation which requires me to intervene, to help a woman who would otherwise not have an advocate? In some instances, the answer may be both. While cultural norms may vary, social workers cannot be pure cultural relativists. They must be sensitive to the needs of all of the parties in question, while still upholding certain moral standards.

Very often, women from all cultures who are in abusive situations have an ambivalent relationship with their abusive husband or boyfriend and may be unwilling to come forward to speak about their abuse to a third party. Even when they do, they may be quick to retract the evidence. Immigrants who come….....

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