Key Characteristics of a Whistleblower Essay

Total Length: 955 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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In definition, a whistleblower can be an employee or a former employee of a corporation who provides proof and evidence that substantiates the fraudulence and ethical behavior within the entity or activities that are not in the best interests of the general public or stakeholders. Customarily, whistleblowers reveal classified data and information concerning their workplace, which is in violation of the laws and regulations in place, and also that can be disparaging to the well-being of the employees. Whistleblowers have various characteristics. One of the key individualities of whistleblowers is credibility. A whistleblower has to have the character of being trusted, depended upon and have integrity. This is because the information provided by the whistleblower has to be truthful and reliable. Another characteristic of a whistleblower is believing in their behavior and being in changing their beliefs. A whistleblower should maintain their stance in being honest about the fraudulent behavior of the organization and lack of integrity. Third, persistence is another fundamental characteristic of a whistleblower. Whistleblowing involves a protracted period of time before the case is closed. In addition, the whistleblower has to face his or her current or former employees in the process of providing evidence against them (Johnson, 2006).

Example of Whistleblowing

A fitting example of an employee whistleblower is Alayne Fleischmann. Fleischmann was a former employee of JP Morgan Chase and was a whistleblower against the company in providing proof about white-collar crimes committed by the financial institution.

Stuck Writing Your "Key Characteristics of a Whistleblower" Essay?

Fleischmann was the key witness of one of the major cases in the history of the United States, revealing secrets that the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of JPMorgan, Jamie Dimon, ended up paying $9 billion to preclude the general public from hearing. The financial institution took part in a huge criminal securities fraud within the mortgage operations department of JPMorgan. Fleischmann was employed by the company to ensure that its operations did not include bad loans. However, the company employed a diligence manager, who was her superior, and responsible for appraising and clearing loans. Her superior instructed her to cease sending him emails and the department did not want information to be disclosed regarding its mortgage transactions. Fleischmann and her colleagues were requested to analyze $900 million packet of loans, most of which were sold in a suspicious manner (Taibbi, 2014).

Justification of the Whistleblower's Actions

Alayne Fleischmann's actions for being a whistleblower were completely justified. To begin with, she was given a directive not to send emails regarding her concerns for the bad loans that were being granted by the organization. Secondly, she experienced bullying from the superiors at Chase and also….....

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Amadeo, K. (2016). Sarbanes-Oxley Summary: How It Stops Fraud. The Balance. Retrieved from:

Johnson, R. A. (2006). Whistleblowing: When It Works: And Why. London: Lynne Rienner Publishers.

Kohn, S. M. (2004). Sarbanes-Oxley Act: Legal Protection for Corporate Whistleblowers. National Whistleblower Center. Retrieved from:

Taibbi, M. (2014). The $9 Billion Witness: Meet JPMorgan Chase's Worst Nightmare. Rolling Stone. Retrieved from:

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