Ert's Emergency Response Teams Often Discussion Chapter

Total Length: 636 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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For example, a person barricaded in a bank after trying to rob it has different motives and priorities than someone who has kidnapped their child and is holed up in a house. The tactics will have to be different because what is driving the actions and how much the value the life and well-being of their hostage also varies a lot. A well-versed forensic psychologist should be on-site for any such crisis and should be giving advice to hostage negotiators and the police on the ground including SWAT and so forth.

Another common scenario for ERT's where a forensic psychologist would come into play would be when children witness crimes and are thus traumatized or otherwise silenced including intimidation by parents and so forth.

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The science and tactics that would be used in such an instance when a perpetrator is on the run or in contact with children such as priests, day care workers, parents and so forth would have to be different because the situation demands it. KidPower's website tells people, including clinical professionals, how to help children feel safe without making them scared. This can be especially important when someone is victimizing children or others and the only known viable witnesses are young people (, 2013)......

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