ERP Project Plan Objective of This Project Essay

Total Length: 489 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 7

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ERP Project Plan

Objective of this project is to present the project plan for the Enterprises Resources Planning (ERP). The whole project plan will span for approximately 18 months. The project will start on the 4 June 2012 and end by 30 December 2013. Each of the major phases of the project is broken down in-between 8 and 10 sub-processes. The study uses Microsoft project to complete the plan and the GANTT chart. "The basic purpose of a GANTT Chart is to break a large project into a series of smaller tasks in an organized way. The chart shows when each task should begin and how long it should take." (University of Michigan, 2002 P. 1).

Stuck Writing Your "ERP Project Plan Objective of This Project" Essay?

The Fig 1 provides the Gantt chart and the project plan and time-frame to complete each process. Overall Project plan is as follows:

Detailed ERP Project Plan

Project Management and Selection Process.

: User Interview and Checklist

: Consolidated Requirements

: Requirement Draft

: Review and Amend the Requirement

: Identify Potential Vendors

1.7: Prepare Request for Information (RFI)

1.8: Issue RFI and Contact Vendor

1.9: Shortlist Vendor

1.10: Select the best Vendor

2: Hardware Sizing and Architectural Considerations

2.1: Identify Specification and Size of Hardware

2.2: Develop Hardware and Architectural blueprint

2.3: Selecting Hardware Component

2.4: Identify Specification and Hardware size

2.5: Define Security Hardware &.....

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"ERP Project Plan Objective Of This Project", 04 May 2012, Accessed.3 July. 2024,