Episode of the Hard Talk, Term Paper

Total Length: 880 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

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The concept of ideal type was also discussed during the discussion, it was agreed that the 'an ideal type is a concept constructed by a social scientist, based on his or her interests and theoretical orientation, to capture the essential features of some social phenomenon'. The program also discussed the significance of the religious books, and it readings. The program sought the justification for the integration of the capitalism and religion, and the impact of the religious affiliation and social stratification on the Spirit of Capitalism was identified. In the program the Marx theory was referred, 'and capitalists and proletarians are equally alienated'.

The social evolution has been predicted, and the sources of the evolution have been regarded as controversial, therefore the capitalism has been placed against religion, where the capitalism. The host refuted the affects of religious affiliation and social stratification on the Spirit of Capitalism, and regarded both the factors as extremely risk potent. The program argued that the developed countries have adhered by the teachings of the Marx. The theory has discouraged the concept of private ownership, therefore the gulf between the inferior and powerful authority has increased. The increase has caused uproar against the developed countries, in (particular the feat treatment.).

Question No. 2

The sub-cultural groups have emerged in access, and therefore no prominent cultural and social aspect is visible.
The non-cultural group settled in the suburbs of the African region has received focus of the illegal immigrants, because the control is expected to be monitored by the developed countries which have already offered immigration access to the people of such cultural groups. The sub-cultural group has its different type of religious practices, followed by traditional rituals, in which the participation of the festival commenced with extreme vigor and zeal. The sub-cultural group enjoys its own social, religious an cultural practices, whereas the practices are in the conformity with the religion followed by the masses, but vary in the mode of the practices. The group is not to be considered as the representative of the Collective Representation, the community is reluctant to disclose their practices with the other fellows. The sanctity of these groups in minority has to be respected and followed. The mode of the religious practices is expected to vary, but the essence of the communication is same. The people affiliated with such programs were offered good number opportunities for the participation but all the opportunities were rejected through the intervention of the uni-polar country, and the one accepted….....

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