Environmental Concern Case Study for Interview

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He did clean up the area around the store from garbage lying around but never did anything apart from that. He did express interest in being a part of any group working towards helping out with the environment. He denied that his Chinese background might have had any impact on his attitude.

The individual from the Hispanic background was deeply involved with activities to help out with environmental issues. He is a computer Science major and manages had two websites dealing with those issues. He also maintains a blog about environmental hazards that he encounters. He takes pictures of whatever he thinks might be important and uploads them to his blog. He mentioned how he wants to use his skills in web design to reach out to students and make them aware of such issues. He has listed a lot of ways to get involved on his websites and uses social networking to promote them. He said that his Hispanic background did not have any specific impact on his attitude towards the environment. Everything he did was because he wanted to and no one else in his family was a part of any related social group.

The individual from the East Indian background is an international student who had moved to the United States two years ago. He showed a fair amount of concern about environmental issues.

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He mentioned that there were a lot of differences in how people treated the environment in his country (India) as compared to here. He thought it was essential to enforce fines for littering so that people would stop doing it. As there are no such rules in his country, people take the environment for granted and throw their garbage everywhere they want. His behavior has changed in United States as he makes sure not to litter anywhere.

In conclusion I would say that, the family in which a person is brought up in, has a greater impact on his or her attitude towards the environment that ethnic background on its own. Unless one grows up completely surrounded by people from his background, nothing can be concluded. As far as what I observed from my study, Hispanics and Afro-Americans are more concerned about the well being of their surroundings as compared to Latinos, Asians and East Indians. I would say that individuals who are aware of the problems would possibly get involved at some point of time, when they are free. It needs some encouragement from the media to make them aware of the ways in which they can contribute. Parents of all ethnic backgrounds can focus on ways to incorporate good habits in their….....

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