Environment Plays a Role in Research Paper

Total Length: 1317 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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Also, the fact that other economic factors need consideration cannot be overlooked. We have to consider the financial aspects where the student is pre-occupied with his/her situation instead of focused on the learning outcome.

At the educational level we need to understand that if a student has chosen to get back to school and to improve his/her knowledge to better his/her career, an already educated student will have lesser problems as a student who goes back to school after a long time without prior education. Discipline is a major factor, and in most cases easier handled by educated students, when it comes to online learning. At this level we need to understand that not everyone is the same. Many studies have been done on this subject and have proven different ways and outcomes, yet at the overall perspective we can see that the educational level of the student has a significant influence on the learning outcome.

Certain environments have proven to negatively or positively impact the learning process of students. The most dangerous distraction of all is the student's family. If the student resides in a negative environment, then chances are that this will trickle down to their learning (Kelly, 2010). On the other hand, families may be a source of positive motivation within the student's life, and encourage the him/her to believe in itself and to have confidence to meet new challenges in their surroundings, whether school, home, or other interaction that facilitates learning (Kelly, 2010).

There have been many studies on this issue and most, if not all, have led to the same conclusion, the environment plays a significant role in the learning process.
Whether we compare cultures, social status, education, living arrangements, or religious beliefs, the main point here is that the environmental setting, the family of the student, and the employment situation, all of these are playing a major role in the learning process and education of such student. We understand that the environment is very important to the learning A student in a fun comfortable environment learns more end enjoys class better than a student who is not. Class rooms with enjoyable decoration such as student's art work, appealing games and crafts, good clean work areas, etc. make for an inviting opportunity for the student to learn while still having fun (M., NDI). As shown in this article and throughout literature regarding learning and the environment, it can be concluded that the environment will influence the learning outcome and can boost the readiness of students and therefore their success for future developments.


Billington, D.D. (NDI). Seven Characteristics of Highly Effective Adult Learning Programs . Retrieved April 24th, 2010, from Learning in the Workplace: http://www.newhorizons.org/lifelong/workplace/billington.htm

Depine Sr., M. (NDI). The importance of environment in student success. Retrieved 04-23, 2010, from Primary Shool Issues: http://www.helium.com/items/1022924-the-importance-of-environment-in-student-success

Kelly, C. (2010, 02-02). How the environment plays a role in learning. Retrieved 04-22, 2010, from 212 Articles: http://www.212articles.com/articles/81859/1/How-the-environment-plays-a-role-in-learning/Page1.html

M., R. (NDI). The importance of environment in student success . Retrieved 04-23, 2010, from Primary School Issues: http://www.helium.com/items/151930-the-importance-of-environment-in-student-success

ScienceDaily. (2007, 11-06). Environment Plays Key Role in Children's Readiness for School. Retrieved 04-23, 2010, from Science News: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/11/071115091548.htm


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