Enhancing Organizational Performance Via Coaching Research Paper

Total Length: 623 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 1

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Group Coaching

The readings of this week in relation to the previous assignment have offered the insights on improving my group-coaching program significantly. Working with the women in the life insurance sales and financial planning requires significant knowledge and experience related to providing services meeting their varied needs. The reading has provided further information on the ways in which the foundation for the group coaching can be started under minimal costs. For instance, it has shown me that the success of the coaching program depends on the use of multiple marketing strategies such as the online and physical marketing approaches. In addition, the reading has shown that I should have adequate skills for facilitating the learning of women under coaching. As such, it is important that I participate in activities that will contribute to building of my personal and professional abilities as a group coach. Similarly, interacting with other group coaches with experience in the field will provide me with insights into the factors that ensure the success of the group-coaching program.

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Significant analysis of the target market shows that women have been marginalized when providing services aimed at improving their health and well-being. The males have always dominated most of the programs designed by organizations to serve the interests of the state. The reading has shown that I should consider investing in the weaknesses identified from the experiences underwent by women in relation to services such as the group coaching. As such, providing services that aim at improving the well-being of the isolated individuals in the society such as the women will provide the program with a significant boost, thereby, the realization of the desired objectives of the project. In addition, the reading has shown me that its success will also depend on the collaborative strategies employed to provide the required services to the women participating in the group coaching….....

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