English Language and Internship

Total Length: 1415 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

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Organization's Philosophy

Beneficial Internship Components

Internship and future career goals

Areas that influenced by professional growth

Areas I need to improve upon

Experience that changed my perception of the industry

Pros and Cons

A Brief Summary of the Organization's Philosophy

My internship was in Livet Reichard Company that organizes large gala dinners, well-paid art auctions, and pioneering arts-allied fundraising projects. The company strives to create effective programs to specifically meet the client's requirements. From concepts that raise revenue and increase funds to plans that promote appropriate audience, and techniques aimed at generating publicity, Livet Reichard shines in developing distinctive and rewarding fundraising projects for all organizations (Livet Reichard Company, Inc., n.d).

Beneficial Internship Components

Confucius pointed out that a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. This period of my internship was a short but challenging experience. Yet, in the same vein, it presented many opportunities too. I had thought that this was the long-awaited bridge between my experiences at school and my lifetime career in society. My internship reminded me of the words of Mr. Ira L. Rosen. He explained that in the theory of Degrees of Separation, anyone on this planet can be linked to another through a long chain of acquaintances with intermediaries that do not exceed five. My internship exposed me to amazing experiences with people from various walks of life. I could barely communicate with other people in the English language. I had set up goals, prior to my internship period. I intended to expand my network in America. My job and internship were only the first stepping stones.

Internship and Future Career Goals

I intend to become an event planning expert. I have an inclination towards dealing with large scale projects. I particularly like the large-scale involvements because they present a matrix of operational and logistical challenges. They are not easy settings to predict and find solutions for when matters become complicated.

My internship therefore provides an excellent chance for me to prepare for the industry out there. This is exactly the ideal experience that I need after my graduation in May. I chose the role of an event manager in the past year. I was really assisted by the skills and expertise of Professor Michael Jackson.
He explained everything there is about event planning and what it means to organize a special event. Some of the most critical aspects of event planning include sponsorship, planning, budgeting, risk management and marketing. In my view, an event cannot succeed without due consideration of these elements. Yet, even with such considerations, the purpose of an event must be at the center of every planning and budget element. It is the most critical aspect of the whole engagement.

Areas that Influenced by Professional Growth

I had had a chance to interact with the people involved in gala dinners and launches before I came to the US. I had however, only had a chance to work as a public relations officer then. Most of my work involved communicating with the media. Therefore, I had no reason to worry about the details of the events such as the ones I have learnt during my course in the US. Indeed, there was always someone to deal with the details aspect of the job. However, I developed interest in these details since I was quite close to the planning and eventual implementation of the events. Something stirred in me and drove me to want to learn more about event planning.

Areas I need to Improve Upon

I'm satisfied that I have learnt a lot more than I ever expected. I also had interest in learning more about image processing, video editing softwares including AI and Photoshop because I was in charge of managing the company's social media account. In modern day, educational achievements in school and college are not the only criteria for evaluating a person's abilities. The skills and capabilities that one owns and demonstrates are also important. I focused on improving my communicating skills in the English language as one of my main goals when I started to attend my course. I believe I have made some progress in the language but I know that….....

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