Encouraging Seniors to Use the Internet Promotional Essay

Total Length: 730 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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Encouraging Seniors to Use the Internet

Promotional Strategies of AARP

Author's note with contact information and more details of collegiate affiliation, etc.

Encouraging Seniors to Use the Internet

Many seniors who do not use the Internet do not use it because technology makes them uncomfortable. There are seniors who may not see the ways in which technology assists them in their daily lives and do not see the use for learning new technologies such as the Internet. Some seniors may just be afraid. Whatever the reason, seniors should use the Internet just as much as any other population. In fact, the greatest demographic of users on the rise of FaceBook is people ages 55+. More and more, seniors are becoming more comfortable with the Internet and their usage behaviors will influence the digital landscape just as much as any other group of users. Websites such as the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) has a website that encourages the use of the Internet by seniors as well as promotes an active lifestyle for seniors. The paper will examine and analyze the strategies AARP employs to encourage the effective use of the Internet for persons over age fifty.

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There are academics, theorists, and professionals that have compared the change that the Internet has had upon the world as similar or greater that the advent of the printing press, or the coming of the Industrial Revolution. The Internet has changed the world forever. It is important that all members of society have access to the Internet. Groups such as senior citizens should have services that develop digital literacy and information literacy. These services should be for all citizens within a society, even children. While children born in the 21st century may interface with digital technology with greater ease than seniors, children lack the experience to contextualize the information by which they are overwhelmed.

Seniors benefits in more than one way with increased use of the Internet. Increased use of the Internet brings on opportunities for learning as well as for international and intercultural communication. (Bean, 2003, Meeting the Challenge) Numerous people around the world generate modest to substantial income using the Internet; therefore, as seniors become more….....

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