How to Encourage Inclusion

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people eager to analyze your research data rather than having it analyzed and interpreted for them.

The author of this response will explain why it SHOULD be important as well as how to make it important to the people. In terms of WHY it is important, the following is true:

People should not have to be spoon-fed information that they accept with no question or level of concern about the veracity of the information

People should be encouraged to find (or at least verify) the relevant information on their own should they choose or want to do so Making people proactive about finding and verifying information will make them better researchers, more analytical and more self-sufficient.

As for how to make them eager, that can be done via the following:

Let the know that the information is out there for them to verify and find

They are not restricted from being proactive and self-empowered.

They will be empowered and recognized by their peers when they bring relevant and correct information to the table (String, 2007)

Additionally, consider the phase subsequent to analysis and identify the most important steps that need to be taken during action planning to make evaluation of results both effective and relatively easy to accomplish.

Analyzed information should be verified for accuracy, compared to prior results, perhaps bounced off of peers and so forth. It has to be verified for veracity and accuracy before it can be truly used and applied because doing otherwise would be sloppy (Stringer, 2007).

Stringer, E. (2007). Action research. Los Angeles: Sage Publications.

Discussion Question Set Two

Identify the conditions or processes will you want to have in place if you and others are going to be able to draw out the implications of the data and develop meaningful strategies to address opportunities.

Researching findings, whenever possible, need to be tied and correlated to real-world events. For example, if one wanted to identify what caused the collapse of Blockbuster Video, one could point to the fact that they did not snap up Netflix when they had the chance. However, that is just a symptom of a broader problem where they did not evolve with the times and saying no to buying Netflix was just one piece of a larger puzzle (Time, 2010). Finding the Netflix nugget is great…but the wider problem would be easy to find with a little further….....

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