Emperor Hirohito Throughout Much of Research Paper

Total Length: 802 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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The results were: that Hirohito would be an integral part, in helping to pacify Japan after the war and that he was influential, in preventing a full scale invasion of the country. These different views would cause all of the various U.S. government officials, to believe that he would serve an important political role, as a bridge between the past and the future. The various research methods that the author used, was to correlate these different views through: numerous speeches, drafts and memos of government officials. This would provide the greatest insights, as to what were the most prevalent opinions, about how to handle the Hirohito question.

When you examine the overall quality of both sources, it is obvious that all information was collected from: official documents, memos and speeches. Where, both can corroborate how the role of the emperor was changing before and after World War II. This allowed us to be able to understand how and in what ways his roles would change in the future.

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Clearly, the different sources that were examined highlights, how the role of the monarchy changed after World War II. In the case of the Emperor of Japan, this would mean that he would become a figure head. As he would underscore, the historical customs and pride of the Japanese people in their various traditions. At the same, he would not have the ability to influence any kind of government policy going forward. This is important, because both sources highlight how Hirohito would become a political influence, as he would develop into a figure in helping to reunify postwar Japan. As a result, one can argue that this changing role is what allowed him to maintain political relevance for decades......

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