ELL Students Appropriate Assessments to Term Paper

Total Length: 649 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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These assessment techniques may include open-ended or closed survey questions, interviews, structured observations by the teacher in the learning environment, and performance-based assignments like writing portfolios or role-plays ("Document ELL Progress," 2008, ELL Website).

What are the benefits of using alternative assessments for ELL students? For native English speakers?

For ELL students, particularly those whose written proficiency has not yet matched their oral proficiency, alternative assessment techniques give the student additional ways to show the teacher what they know, and also to gain more social confidence in the English language. However, all students have unique learning styles and can benefit from the creativity and enthusiasm these assessment methods generate.

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Additionally, these techniques can also bring the different intelligences of some neglected talents to light, such as performing. They encourage students to use the concepts that are being taught in class, and help the teacher establish a more on-on-one relationship with students through the use of interviews and surveys. Observation of classroom activities also helps the teacher see how individuals function as learners in the classroom environment, and allows the teacher to observe the process of learning, rather than simply see the product in the form of the final assignment.


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