Elizabeth I Research and Review Research Paper

Total Length: 3234 words ( 11 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 11

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Therefore, this information is identifying how: specific events and attributes would shape the kind of queen she became in the future. As the information is helping t: tie all of these different events together, in association with the other articles that were discussed earlier.

The Life of Elizabeth I

Over the years, there are those leaders who have such a profound impact that they can change the course of a nation forever. Such is the case with Elizabeth I of England, as she is considered to be one of the greatest leaders in all of British history. This is because she assumed power at time when the country was at its weakest point. What happened was England became known a pawn between: the rival powers of France and Spain. Where, both nations had made: a tremendous number of discoveries in new world and they were competing with each for access to a host of natural resources. At the same time, England was going through bloody religious / political wars that were leading to various coups. This was problematic, because the continuing amounts of violence meant that the resources of England would be squandered. Once Elizabeth came to power, she would change the countries fortunes by: creating stability and growth. These two factors would allow England to: develop their military forces and build up their financing to fund various expeditions to the Western hemisphere. These different elements are important, because they show how Elizabeth's leadership would help to transform England into a major world power. To fully understand the overall role of her leadership requires looking at: her life / leadership characteristics, her behaviors / traits / style and the effect she would have on society. Together, these different elements will provide the greatest insights as to the overall impact that Elizabeth would have on England.

Elizabeth's Life and Leadership Style

Queen Elizabeth I was born on September 7th 1533. She was the daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife Ann Boleyn. However, from an early age she was considered to be the illegitimate heir to the throne. This is because Henry desperately wanted a son to become the heir to the crown. Yet, Ann was never was able to give him what he wanted. After Henry's death, a power vacuum would quickly emerge as to who was the rightful heir to the throne. For Elizabeth, this meant that she would go back and forth between: being or not being the legitimate heir to the thrown (depending upon who was in power). This would create decades of bloody civil war that would see a number of her relatives fight with each other over power. Where, one bloody coup would follow another one; creating instability and making England weak. As she was growing up Elizabeth would be educated at some of finest schools throughout Europe and she began to see how these events were hurting the country. At which point, Elizabeth would begin to plot, with various political allies about her decent to the throne. As she would forge alliances and wait until the moment was right, for her to take her rightful place. Once Mary I was executed is the point that she would make her move. Where, she would be placed in a position of prominence, with the ascension of Phillip I of Spain. What happened was Elizabeth had spent a tremendous amount of time in Spain and France, with her understanding both cultures (through her studies of Spanish as well as French). This would have an impact upon how she would be selected for the thrown, as Elizabeth was seen as someone who: could satisfy the balance of power between these two nations and was a descendent of Henry VII. Therefore, Elizabeth made the most sense to fill this role.

When she was ruling from 1558 to 1603, the events of her past would shape the kind of leadership characteristics that she would embrace. The most notable include: taking a hand off approach to various situations and having flexibility. Taking a hands off approach is when Elizabeth did not try to directly intervene in different situations. Where, she would indirectly have an influence upon the actions of other parties through: diplomacy and being willing to work with them. A good example of this can be seen with the Dutch and the French, as Elizabeth would make peace with these powers. This is important because, this would provide England with: stability and two strong allies that they would forge various trading relationships with. Flexibility is being used, in the different tactics Elizabeth was utilizing during the process.

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As she was known for using untraditional methods to: achieve her long-term objectives for England. A good example of this can be seen with her defeat of the Spanish fleet in 1588. As her military planners would lure them into: a trap and attack the fleet at it most vulnerable point. This is significant, because it shows how the flexibility in Elizabeth's leadership style would have an impact upon the outcome of the situation. As this shaped the event based upon: the strategy and commanders that she selected to achieve these different objectives.

These two different elements are important, because they are highlighting how this kind of leadership style would place England in a position of power by the time of Elizabeth's death in 1603. As she would allow England to become stronger by: effectively playing the different powers against one another. This basic characteristic of her leadership, would define the kind of queen that she would become in the future.

Elizabeth's Behaviors, Traits and Style

Elizabeth exhibited a behavior of arrogance that was embracing the ideas of realism. As she would highlight a quiet sense of style and finesse, by strategically allying herself with various opponents along with allies. This allowed her to play a dual role between the two parities, by forging new alliances with both (serving as a bridge between them). A good example of this can be seen with her ability to appear to have close personal relationships with different world leaders. Yet, she was also distant enough, that no one could understand her true intentions. This is important, because these actions would make Elizabeth a vital queen, who was valuable to a number of different sides in: both external and internal conflict.

As far as traits were concerned, Elizabeth was focused on creating stability inside England. This was accomplished through: establishing a foundation for England to build off of in the future. What happened is Elizabeth engaged in strategy that would crush political allies, who were a threat, so that stability can be achieved. A good example of this occurred with her loyalty towards the Protestants. Where, they would help to: put down an uprising and created an avenue for her to consolidate the power of crown (increasing stability). This is important, because it is showing how her traits of stability would have an influence upon: the decisions and alliances that she formed to achieve this objective. In this particular case, these traits were used to forge alliances with parties that could help to increase the country's stability.

The Effect that Elizabeth would have on Society

Elizabeth would highlight a quiet sense of confidence and style. These two elements were important, because they would serve as a way of showing everyone that the years of struggle were over. As the country was embarking on a new path, that would set the stage for future successes. This would have an impact on society by serving as a way of helping to unite everyone behind a single cause. A good example of this can be seen with her going to the Battle of Essex (against the Spanish). Where, she wore a silver breast plate over a white dress, this would set the stage for creating a sense of: strength and determination to be successful. This is important, because it would have an impact upon society, by creating a sense of certainty that England was going to take its place among the major world powers. (Loads, 2006)

Clearly, Elizabeth I would have a profound influence upon the kind of nation that England would become in the future. As her ability to forge alliance and fight various adversaries at times when they were at their strongest would help to promote: strength and stability. These two elements would have an impact upon the development of the nation by: giving it the ability to overcome its various internal differences. At which point, the county became very outward looking, by engaging the different powers on its own terms (which helped to fuel their ascent). When you put these different elements together, they are showing how: Elizabeth's hands off leadership style and her ability to forge various alliances would achieve these objectives. As she would indirectly use these different attributes, to have a major impact upon how the nation would evolve. This is important, because….....

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