Egyptian Advertising Imagery Marketing Considerations for Egypt Essay

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Egyptian Advertising Imagery

Marketing Considerations for Egypt

Egypt is a country prime for expansion by U.S. based companies. With a population of over 81 million people, there is great opportunity for growth. It is the second-largest county in the Middle East and Africa and citizens have a high appreciation for high quality and high-end brands, particularly American brands. Despite the global economic crisis that began in 2009, Egypt managed to sustain a 4.7% growth in GDP -- an enviable rate for most countries -- largely due to strong growth fundamentals, effective market reforms and a proactive government stimulus (Melewar et al., 2000).

Before a company ventures into the Middle East, certain considerations must be given to proper advertising and marketing. A comprehensive understanding of the culture is required. Given recent civil unrest in the region, it is important to always address respect for the individual. This concern for human rights is a part of the corporate culture in many Egyptian firms (Cavalluzzo, 2011).

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A companies' commitments in this regard should be expressed in terms of human rights language and images should allude to a sense of peace and harmony.

There is a strong case for "Arabizing" the content of imagery and advertising messaging -- this is not just about translation of existing marketing collateral, but also using Arabic and Islamic concepts that touch local realities and sensibilities. For example, some advertisers have embraced the concept of Karama (Arabic: (?

meaning 'dignity') which resonates well with Egyptian consumers (Smith, In the case of the handshake image, incorporating such key phrases and idioms in captions can have true tangible meaning. Adding this concept would enhance the power of the overall message. Further, showing varying skin complexions of those pictured also lends itself to commonly held beliefs about unity, cooperation and a desire for peace for all people (Melewar et al., 2000).

In regards to the meeting image, consideration should be given to the portrayal of women in the.....

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