Effect of Technology on Interpersonal Communication Essay

Total Length: 1263 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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Interpersonal Communication and Its Decline

Interpersonal Communication

Decline of communication due to technology

Communication is a necessity for human survival. In recent decades, there is more advancement in thinking of why and how communication is crucial. This is mainly because people depend on others for providing love, support, and comfort. Other generations have continued growing through the development of communication skills with individuals by way of talking with each of them in person and through the phone. Modern generation exhibits poor communication skills due to overemphasis on communication mainly based on texting (DeVito, 2012). Although the current generation maintains person-to-person levels of communication, it is not the major communication mode among younger generations. The in-person conversation leaves exposure to questioning about what other persons are saying due to the body and facial expressions aiding their words. Further, texting does not allow people to follow through facial expressions (Solomon & Theiss, 2013). This makes the conversation fail in reaching same levels as the in-person approach. The approach means that future generations will have strained communication skills. The communication skills are regressing on a high note while older generations' skills lack willingness to develop through different ways of technological advancements.

Technology has more negatives in referring to the decline of communication skills. However, using it in a correct manner has its array of advantages. The goal includes making a dependable balance to it. It is encouraged to think boldly prior sending text messages and social media illustrations. The choice of using phone calls, video calls, or quick visits other than communicating serves better in providing humanistic elements (Monaghan, Goodman & Robinson, 2012). For the objective, responsibility is based on the Internet users and social networkers, advance the purposes of engaging in activities and accomplishing underlying goals.

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However, most side effects are not always apparent to individual users and may combine with other users to make large-scale implications.

2. Online social networks and their influence

Social media has fostered an era of more virtual relationships. Loved ones at any given time are no longer hard earned within playgrounds, at school, or on sports teams. Increasingly, the online friends are mostly those that people do not spend most of their time communicating. Scenarios including the ones mentioned do not have to make a decline in communication skills, as well as the relative importance attached to in-person interactions. People communicate differently. The approach to social media is affected the extent of candidness among the people (Solomon & Theiss, 2013). The large platforms, as well as comparatively low consequences, allow people to saying things that are not normally communicated to strangers. The candor type permeates daily communication. Inappropriateness, as well as the informality, is a concern for older generations within workplace settings.

Social networking offers an existing phenomenon consisting of web-based communication for Internet users based on websites coupled with interactions with others through cellular phones. The importance of alternative solutions in the study on social networking includes taming the activities of texting, as well as the application of social network sites such as Facebook and Twitter. The impacts on conflict resolution and communication skills are adversely mentioned and addressed. Most college students respond in the affirmative to the anonymous surveys that address the daily activities for social networking and general attitudes based on conflict resolution and communication (Wood, 2015). The overall findings from the research suggest that people perceive face-to-face communication as most preferred and effective means of interaction and resolving conflicts with other people. In fact, the outcomes of previous research indicate.....

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