Effect of Teacher Parent Partnerships on Learning Article Review

Total Length: 977 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Teacher-Parent Collaboration

The following analysis focuses on the article titled "Preparation for Teacher-Parent Partnerships: A Practical Experience with a Family" by Hedges H. & Gibbs. According to the authors, there is the need for both stakeholders to collaborate, maximize the children's learning, and enhance early childhood education. The paper shows that despite these efforts, there are few ways that train the teachers of how to develop professional relationships with the parents. It continues to report on the use of field experience in family homes that occurred in the first year of a teacher educational program. While seeking to achieve the objective, it explores a case study of two student-teachers. The step is necessary because it shows the potential of the technique to this teacher's preparation. After the assessment, the students and teachers were seen to suffer from the realities that families create on a daily basis.

Hedges and Gibbs have provided substantial analysis and discussion that express the potential of this approach. For instance, they elaborated the timely transformation of the teachers' experience after the encounter. The results acquired show that the experience had a positive impact on enhancing the student/teacher's understanding of parenting and their attitudes towards establishing effective partnerships with parents. More so, the move had a significant role in the growth and development of their future professional role. Therefore, the article deserves a rating of 8 out of 10 because of the appropriate cohesion of ideas and arguments.

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Additionally, the article expresses the value of the partnership and the effects it has on the students' learning curve (Hedges & Gibbs, 2005). The authors provide a substantial assessment that illustrates how the society's attention has focused on the issue. The discussion concerning a child's experiences at home and in the center is pertinent to facilitate cohesive understanding. Besides, all sections of the paper illustrate the importance of the latter towards developing the education performance of the children.

On the article's literature review section, the authors start by acknowledging the importance of the teacher-parent partnerships. In this case, they analyze various sources to identify the effect that various models have had to children learning. For instance, the article analyzes the Bronfenbrenner's ecological model. The latter asserts that learning occurs in a variety of contexts and microsystems. Effectively, the article implements both primary and secondary sources to gather informative data. The research identified concurs with the assertions that partnerships between parents and teachers is of eminent significance (Hornby, 2011).

Hedges and Gibbs also continued to discuss the preparation for partnership in teacher education. In this section, they discuss how student and teachers should do to implement essential preparations and develop the needed teacher-student relationship. The section addresses how early childhood research highlights about the incorporation of families in the children's education. It….....

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