Edward Gordon Craig: The Master Term Paper

Total Length: 1708 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 4

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"When (the stage-director) interprets the plays of the dramatist by means of his actors, his scene-painters, and his other craftsmen, then he is a craftsman - a master craftsman; when he will have mastered the use of actions, words, line, color, and rhythm, then he may become an artist," wrote Craig (Pepiton 2008). Because of Craig, set designers are revered as artists and equal partners with directors, actors, and authors.
Without Craig, classes in set design would not have the prestige they do today. No director would dare to embark upon a 'black box' production of Shakespeare or opera. Because of Craig, even those directors and designers who still see the value of realism strive to create impressions in the hearts of the audience, rather than literal representations of a drawing-room reality.


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