Educational Philosophy the Importance of Thesis

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In many learning situations, however, there is no ultimate truth upon which the teacher can call to instruct her students. Instead, many topics are still controversial, even as they are a part of history. In this case, teachers must acknowledge this fact as true, leading to a valuable lesson for students who may assume that textbooks and authority figures are always right. In some cases, however, the teacher must continue to teach what is true, despite the fact that this may alienate on of his students. For instance, some still refuse to accept that the Holocaust occurred. These kinds of falsities can be dangerous, so the teacher must be sure to teach the truth regarding this issue and similar ones.

In addition to teaching reality and truth, however, which can often be negative and contrary to the hope that most students try to instill in their students, teachers must also teach what is good and what is beautiful. Although good is a word that is often used subjectively, many subjects are good by nearly universal standards. By their actions, in addition to their lessons, teachers can stress the importance of being good to one another, of being kind, even to those with whom one does not agree. Furthermore, teachers can demonstrate the importance of being able to disagree, while exemplifying how this can be done in a kind and good manner. In addition, teachers can also instruct students in finding the good in situations. In much the same way, teachers can instruct students to have eyes for beauty, searching for beauty in all they see. For instance, many see a beauty in dying, as it reminds some that life goes on. Others can find beauty in war, that some have cared for their countries and fellow humans enough to die for them.

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Teaching students to find beauty in what is commonly seen as negative is one way in which to increase their hope and positive attitudes, allowing them to understand that they have no bounds, but can affect change wherever they desire.

Finally, teachers must impart to their students what is logical. The preceding paragraphs of educational philosophy have dealt with teaching students to see hope in the midst of current situations, stressing the importance of teaching truth and reality, paired with goodness and beauty. In order to insure that students are successful, however, teachers must also teach them logic, and how to make logical decisions. This arises partly through the cause and effect teaching that some teachers may find useful when discussing truth. Students who are taught to use logic are taught to think deeply about the life and academic questions that are posed for them. Using logic, students weigh different options and points-of-view until they come to the one that best suits their situation. Thus, teachers are needed not only to instruct students in a certain subject, but also to encourage them to live full lives in which they are successful, contributing members of society. By teaching them regarding what is real, true, good, beautiful, and logical, teachers do this......

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