Educational Goals First Statement As Term Paper

Total Length: 1817 words ( 6 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 8

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While there have been some complains about these new methods (Moran, 2001) they come mostly from teachers that have practiced one way for years and are not comfortable of changing the way they work (Moran, 2001). Fortunately, as educational entities make training more available to teacher's, this negative opinion of diverse education, where the student and teacher become partner, will dissipate and allow for new discoveries and educational freedoms.

Mumford (1998), Sternberg & Lubart (1995) and Seger (1994) all note students of the modern classroom must learn to "defy the crowd" as Sternberg & Lubart claim, to avoid conformity and instead attract nonconformity in a manner that promotes success and achievement in and out of the classroom.

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Far too often children are taught that teachers are the sole authority in the classroom (Moran, 2001), and this may cause students to rebel rather than create an environment where students are encouraged to think creatively about solutions to problems and even while selecting classes for their studies later in life (Lipman, 2003).

As Sternberg & Lubart (1995) the age of conformity is over; the time for change is now. Students need rise up in their communities and state their needs, preferences and desires; communities must work to back these incentives and to assist students eager to broaden the scope of their learning......

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