Education Essential to My Success. Since Returning Term Paper

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education essential to my success. Since returning to school at XXX College of XXX, I have worked very hard to not only learn all I could from the courses, but to apply my knowledge to my professional life. Because my profession is in the financial industry, I believe that the degree program in Management Studies will be very helpful.

Unfortunately, I had to leave school because I was no longer able to afford tuition. I went into the workforce so that I could earn money for college and reflect on what I wanted from my university experience. I was very shy and reserved in my early college years and found it difficult to find my way in large universities. Because I came from a small private all girls' school, I was out of my comfort zone while attending a large university.

The working world taught me some lessons. I learned several lessons about supporting myself. I learned to take what I do more seriously since I am the controller of my future.

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I started my working full-time during the day at an executive office suite company in Boston. I also work the night shift Dunkin Donuts to make enough money to pay my rent.

After being at HQ Business Centers, an office suite company, I was ready for a new challenge and something different. I answered an advertisement in the newspaper for State Street Corp., a financial services company. I was hired and began working the night shift. My first year there was rewarding. I realized quickly that hard work pays off, and I received a bonus. After the year, I took a promotion in another area to continue to learn more about the financial services area of corporate actions. I later decided to interview for the position as a trainer for State Street. I learned to overcome my shyness by teaching a….....

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