Ed Assessment Oral Hygiene Educational Assessment Tools Essay

Total Length: 530 words ( 2 double-spaced pages)

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Ed Assessment

Oral Hygiene Educational Assessment Tools

Assessing educational outcomes and thus the efficacy of certain specific educational efforts and methodologies is an important part of any educational program regardless of the specific educational area or setting. Choosing the appropriate methods for such assessment, however, is highly dependent on specific aspects and parameters of the education being assessed, and thus should incorporate evidence of successful assessment practices previously identified in specific fields and settings while at the same time determining new methods for assessment in line with identified trends and principles. This paper will briefly identify certain assessment methods and tools appropriate in the field of oral hygiene education, also including specific known problems and barriers to education in this area.

Direct longitudinal research-based assessment is one method of educational assessment that has been employed in this knowledge area with a great deal of useful knowledge regarding the successes and failures of oral hygiene education emerging from such research (Kay & Locker 1996).

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This type of assessment method would not be appropriate for measuring the learning of an individual class of students but rather requires a larger body of methodologies and results in order to yield effective assessment results, yet this does not render it ineffective in smaller-scale applications (Kay & Locker 1996). Educational efforts assessed through this methodology can be selected or discarded by the instructor based on their proven effectiveness (or lack thereof), serving as a pre-assessment method that will help bring more effective education methodologies to teaching situations in the first place.

There are also empirically-based direct assessment methods that have been….....

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"Ed Assessment Oral Hygiene Educational Assessment Tools", 13 April 2011, Accessed.29 June. 2024,