Economics After the Incident of Research Proposal

Total Length: 1555 words ( 5 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 3

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Mattel must not only have an adaptive management set up but they also must have introduced only those products in the market that ride well with their corporate values and culture.

Gilbert (1996) asserts that one of the responsibilities of the top management is to connect their aims and objectives with their corporate culture in such a way that both work hand-in-hand. Being in the top end of the hierarchy, the general managers are responsible and accounted for not only planning but also for controlling and coordinating the decisions they make with their entire workforce.

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Additionally, he points out that they emphasize some cultural factors, which favor transformation; at the same time as weeding out negative, as well as, conservative mindsets (Gilbert, 1996). The top management of Mattel must have been extremely selective in its strategies that it employed soon after the incident, since it was able to successfully sort out the mess with not only the Chinese government officials but was also able to fulfill the regulations set forth by its own government......

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