Ecommerce Blogging -- Blogging Is an Internet Dissertation or Thesis Complete

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Blogging -- Blogging is an Internet term that is a combination of the words web and log. It is part of a website or a stand-alone application that is maintained to give commentary, descriptions of events, graphics, video, and in recent times, adding to social networking and/or marketing. Most blogs, in fact, are interactive. This allows users and visitors either to make comments, leave information, or begin a thread of information/conversation. This tends to distinguish blogs from other static websites. Indeed, most blogs are specific and dedicated to a particular subject or interest area; although some serve as online diaries or catalogs of a particular event. Most blogs, too, are textural, although it is possible to add and use them for video, music, or podcasting. Blogs are extremely popular, and by early 2011 there were almost 160 million public blogs (Blood, 2000; BlogPulse, 2011).

There are several considerations necessary prior to beginning a blog. One must decide on genre, media type (vlog, link log, sketchblog, photoblog, etc.), and my device (moble, PC, or both). Then one must decide wheteher to host or use a blogging service. There are a number of free services available, some more flexible than others.

One can also use their theme to start a domain name, find a host, install, and begin. Word Press is quite popular, themes installed, and then one can log in and begin. It is actually possible to have a blog up and running within a few hours. The steps to confirure Word Press are avaialble online and do not take long to master.

For our B2B company we would choose a swinsuit theme and our message -- are we marketing, advertising, or both? Certainly we would try to encourage customers to participate, and could use this as an extension of sales or to boost promotional activities, etc. Finally, the last consideration would be how to staff and maintain the blog so that information is available to the client regularly and is current.

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Part 2 -- Demographics and Internet Use - One of the larger trends brought about by the use of the Internet is the virtual community -- a social network of individuals who interact with each other without the constraints of geography, time zones, political or economic situations, weather, or demography -- all that matters is that they are able to come together to form a culture in which they share mutual interests or values. Typically this type of culture occurs through social networking and online communities, both of which have provided the "tipping point" and changed the world as evidenced in the 2008 American presidential election. The extreme power of this new cultural tool is the very nature -- it depends on nothing but an electronic connection. It, like many things in the modern world, is instantaneous, satisfying the 21st century need to have both dependence and independence based on our own decision or whim. At the beginning of the Internet revolution, the demographics were primarily middle and upper-middle class academics. As of May, 2001, however we find that almost 80% of American adults use the Internet, primarily those between 18-39. Income no longer has that much of an effect, although the higher the annual household income, the more Internet use; the same situation exists in terms of education. More Whites (79%) than Blacks (67 per cent). The internet is primarily used for reading email and correspondence,….....

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