Ecommerce Application at Spanx the Aima (Atlanta Essay

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Ecommerce Application at Spanx

The AiMA (Atlanta Interactive Marketing Association) awarded Sherpa: Web Studio as the most effective search engine marketers for the year 2008. Sherpa was chiefly highlighted for their outstanding search engine marketing for Spanx by Sara Blakely. Spanx is primarily an ecommerce website and with its association with Sherpa the online business was able to amplify the sales by 550%, by means of search engine driven traffic. The world of ecommerce is becoming compact day by day, this attribute has not just enhanced the working of the online business, but it has also eased the brick and mortar business to the e-tails and online shopping cart ease.

The present state of this online business is the end product of the 10 years ceaseless working and innovations of the owner Sara Blakely. She initiated the store from, a single brick mortar business and a capital of $5,000. But with continuous innovation and product line expansion the product became the necessity of the target market. The traditional brick and mortar business has now become a trendy ecommerce sublime benchmarking the performance since decade. With many mile stones the organization has covered the most important and innovative is the product line expansion to encompass a larger portion of the audience as the target market for the organization.

The Target Market of Spanx

The brand line now include

Body Shapers

Bras and panties


Leg wear

Swim suits

The actives

Men's wear

The Modern Trends of Ecommerce

The boundaries of what management once considered acceptable work redesign have been expanded by burgeoning e-Business technology combined with continuous competitive pressures. The approaches now being developed give employees considerably enhanced discretion and opportunities for skills development, lifestyle change and improved performance. However, are such assertions necessarily new? In the 1980s, Reich argued that rapid changes in the technology of products and production demanded the development of 'flexible systems'. Market segmentation, increasingly informed and demanding consumers, complex and sophisticated product and process

E-Business brings with it certain design issues which management need to face, including:

• how to manage knowledge and labor

• how to manage the interaction between people in numerous workplaces in synchronous and asynchronous patterns

• how to control organizations in non-traditional manners

• how to manage closer relationships between the supplier, producer and consumer (both on a business-to-consumer and business-to-business basis

• How to manage the integration between the information networks of customers and suppliers.

Renewed interest in work design is thus based on pressures arising from turbulent market conditions, and from the development of electronic business in manufacturing and services which encourage a reconsideration of work flows (Alm, 2002).

A dynamic, cost-cutting, quality maximizing business environment creates pressures on organizations to reduce fixed assets and minimize spending on buildings and facilities. However, this occurs at a time when businesses find it difficult to predict accurately future demand for products and services. Consequently, organizations need to accommodate fluctuations in the number and location of personnel for a restricted duration but in a way which does not lead to a concomitant increase in support costs. How can alternative workplaces maintain the corporate values of identity, service and environmental quality as well as enabling rapidly assembled teams to form and perform effectively from the outset?' The management of facilities design brings with it a growing, unsatisfied demand for faster response, limited-duration business space, and infrastructure. Paralleling the change in the demand for business space usage is an e-Business technology revolution which offers the advantages of:

• moving the concept and purpose of work towards the use and management of knowledge

• temporal space reduction, enabling multiple projects/people/places interaction

• loosening traditional management controls and hierarchies in favor of collaborative information sharing project processes

• closer relationships between buyers/suppliers/customers • integration of information networks between customers and suppliers

• focusing on core business and outsourcing the rest

E-Business thus allows us to reformulate what we mean by the organization and the workplace. The reformulation has two crucial aspects to it. First, for the individual charged with the challenge of working within an e-Business environment, the concepts of space and time are different. We can visualize this individual as being capable of working independently of location and time. What these individuals need is access to their organization as a 'club' in which to meet with other highly autonomous e-Business collaborators

The Impact of SEO and Its Working

Well written website content

Keep it attractive, simple, easy to open, and interesting to read. Here is an example of keeping up with technology.

Stuck Writing Your "Ecommerce Application at Spanx the Aima (Atlanta" Essay?

Just a few years ago, it was strongly suggested that newsletters stay away from [I cautioned against this] Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and to stick with text formatting. Not so long ago, only 20% of internet browsers would open HTML easily, so what you sent as an attractive piece showed up as unorganized and sometimes nonsensical text and characters when opened. However, in the last few years, this has reversed. Now over 80% of newsletter readers will open an HTML e-mail with ease, and prefer the professional look. The jury is still out, however, on whether to send plain text newsletter or potentially more attractive "e-zine." Here is the current advice. As mentioned earlier, technology changes quickly so this advice is subject to change quickly. If you have the resources to create an HTML formatted newsletter, great. However, many people do not have such resources and no way to test how an HTML format will appear when delivered through all major Internet Service Providers (ISP) such as AOL, Netscape, Internet Explorer, and so on. As a matter of fact, many large and successful Internet marketers do not send HTML newsletters either. Better to do a regular text newsletter and have links to full text in an attractive format on your web site. This approach will drive traffic to your site, rather than delivering everything in the e-mail (Liu, 2003).

The need of catering the nature of visitors

The heart of building your business online is communication. Web Site design and optimization are important only as they drive traffic to your site. However, since people will not buy your product until they buy you, once they are at your site, you must begin that credibility building process. The best vehicle for establishing that reputation for credibility and competence is your newsletter - now sometimes called an "e-zine."

The Internet has been a blessing and a curse in this respect. Blessing because instead of spending over $2,000+ for direct mailing and related marketing approaches, it now usually costs an average of $100 a month, However, a curse, too, because the ease and economy of Internet newsletters make them ubiquitous. Newsletters are now everywhere; we are inundated. Our newsletters used to be unique, now - if we are not careful - newsletters are perceived as another piece of spam. It is important to upgrade our newsletters to help guide clients to us. Here are the elements of success.

Newsletter Success Elements: Today a newsletter that works must

Promise instant and immediate value

Be formatted to look professional

Contain four pieces of content; and Be consistent

Instant and Immediate Value

We call our newsletter The One Minute Career Letter. The very first thing we promise is, "In 60 seconds or less, you will find practical, useful information which will have a positive effect on your life." Then we deliver on that promise. We have an "executive summary" of the article first which people can read in one minute or less. Then, if they are intrigued about that, they can keep reading the whole article. We keep our article content to around 600 words so that once we pique our readers' interest and they choose to read the entire article, they are not overwhelmed with the amount of text.

Here are some article titles we have written in the past. Notice how each one offers immediate value and a way for readers to save time, money, or energy. That is the key to gaining readers' interest.

Conducting a Secret Job Search

Getting Resumes past Spam Filters

Hidden Costs of Job Change and How to Minimize Them

How My Clients save $2,000 - $4,000 at Tax Time

How to Beat the System and Get a Raise

Seven Career Satisfaction Factors: How you can improve yours

Ten Reasons Why People Quit their Jobs: How You Can Keep Good People

(Trepper, 2000)

The value of the website

The design of your web site is critical for keeping visitors there for a while after they have arrived. The expression, "pictures speak louder than words," applies here. The instant impression of your site's design is an opportunity to express your personal brand - your unique value - and help you stand out from those who offer similar services. In addition, if a web site looks amateurish or cookie-cutter, it conveys that the owner is not successful enough to invest in a professional web presence.

When people find your web site through search engines,….....

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