Ebusiness, Ecommerce and Online Advertising Capstone Project

Total Length: 444 words ( 1 double-spaced pages)

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Impulse buying on the web for services as well as products should also not be discounted! The web will allow customers to reach the salon 24/7 and to see what products we offer, and what must-have colors, styles, and treatments will be offered in the future.

At present, the salon already advertises on other websites and emails coupons and special offers to customers. An effective website will enable the salon to reach out to new consumers if it has a striking virtual design, and makes use of critical search terms to generate new 'hits.' While generating the initial plan for the site, I intend to conduct practical market research by talking to current salon customers to see what they would like on such a site and how it could enhance their salon experience.

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Then, after establishing our current market segment demographic, and perhaps finding a new market segment 'target,' the interactive site can begin to take shape. I envision a site complete with feedback and message boards, appointment- booking capabilities, information about salon services, emailed coupons, and website links to articles about the advantages of the new technologies the salon offers, along with an email newsletter regularly sent to customers......

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"Ebusiness Ecommerce And Online Advertising", 23 July 2008, Accessed.1 July. 2024,