Eating Nuts and Legumes" and Research Proposal

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It is unfortunate that it was published without credit; it would have been even more credible had the author's name been included, so research on the author and their credentials could be established. In addition, the article did not include credible sources, or cite anyone else in concert with the study, but it does appear that the author did do sufficient research, and it is entirely possible that the presenter was the author and did the research.

The title of the article is "Nuts for Health," by CBS News, and their medical analyst, Dr. Emily Senay. The article does agree that some nuts included in the diet are good for the diet, but it specifically mentions macadamia nuts as being too "fatty" to be included in the diet and it offers information on a wide variety of other nuts, too. The article was published online, and among other things, in notes, "Nuts are cholesterol-free and contain mostly mono- and polyunsaturated fats, the so-called good fats, as well as the beneficial omega-3 fatty acid like that found in fish" (Neal). This online article "dumbs down" the information and does not discuss a particular study or scientific measurement, it simply represents the facts because the doctor is saying they are true. This article supports the fact that nuts can be beneficial for the diet, but does not back it up with anything concrete or identifiable.

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I think that the research indicates that nuts are a healthy alternative snack food for people, and that they can be helpful in reducing cholesterol, but that it is quite important to note that this relates to very small amounts of nuts added to the diet. Large amounts can be dangerous because they are high in fat and calories, and too many can lead to obesity, reducing the effectiveness of them in the diet. In addition, I believe these article has the characteristics of the Foundation for Critical Thinking, because it makes the reader think about their own diet. It also makes them ask critical questions, such as how did the author conduct the test, where did the CBS doctor get her information, and why didn't the article offer more information, like how many people were in the study, where it was conducted, how long it took, etc. Leaving these questions unanswered brings out the critical thinking in the reader, and makes the article less effective than it could have been. The article is attractive because most people want to enjoy better nutrition, and nuts are a tasty snack that can be much better for a person than high fat, high-salt snack foods like chips, pretzels, and such. It just needs work to be more credible......

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