Dystopia in the Movie in Time Essay

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Movie Dystopia

In Time (2011) is a dystopian satire set in the year 2161 in which the ability to increase the human lifespan by purchasing time has become the new currency and the entire basis of the capitalist economy. These life-years (living years) can be bought, sold or traded, although they are mostly available to the wealthy elites while the poor and the working class literally survive from one day to the next. New Greenwich is a wealthy gated community and an enclave for the old and rich, who live in a bubble completely segregated from the larger society in the ghettos. On the other hand, the poor also engage in time theft against the rich, and the film's hero Will Salas meets the elderly Henry Hamilton by saving him from a gang of robbers -- the Minutemen.
Hamilton wants to die in any case because he is tired of life, and transfers 116 years to Will. Later, when he visits New Greenwich he wins over 1,000 years in a gambling game, although this is right after his mother has died because she did not even have enough time to pay for her bus fare. In this world, the police are called Timekeepers, and they confiscate all of Will's time, although he manages to escape with Sylvia as a hostage. Eventually, she joins him in stealing over a million years from a Time Bank and distributing it the residents of the ghetto, who no longer have to work in the factories. Soon this becomes their entire career, redistributing time down to the lower classes by robbing the banks.

Like most dystopian worlds, such as those portrayed.....

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