Drinking in Favor of Increasing Term Paper

Total Length: 1957 words ( 7 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 5

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This means that alcohol is made accessible to underage persons and in this way, they start consuming alcohol at a young age. It is for this reason that the legal drinking age should not be lowered, but actually increased to reduce the chances of it being made available to those who are underage. Increasing the minimum legal drinking age to at least 25 years, like India, will go a long way in ensuring that underage drinking does not take place. Teenagers can be able to access alcohol with the help of their older friends and siblings who may be in college. This will ensure that only responsible adults will have access to alcohol. There have also been cases of increased rates of binge drinking among college age youths and the increase in the minimum legal age for drinking will go a long way in helping preventing this (Kypri et al. 128). Conclusion

In conclusion, lowering the legal drinking age will not get rid of the problems that arise from underage drinking and but only increase it. The minimum drinking age laws of each state should prohibit purchase or attempted purchase, possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages by anyone under 21, the possession and use of falsified identification to purchase or attempt to purchase alcoholic beverages by minor, provision of alcohol to minors by adults except to their own children in their own homes and underage drinking in private clubs and establishments.
This will go a long way in preventing underage drinking and in turn ensuring that the legal drinking age remains if not higher. There has been little to show that youths who are 21 years are using alcohol responsibly and not distributing it to minors. The only way to ensure that underage drinking is not encouraged by this is to increase the legal drinking age.


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