Dress Code Policy Business Problem Term Paper

Total Length: 1306 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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DRESS CODE POLICYIntroductionVSP Marketing Group is a consulting company that concerns itself with the development of novel and inventive plans for a vast clientele – small and medium enterprises and Fortune 500 companies alike. In essence, the company seeks to infuse innovative and creative thinking in every project it handles. To be able to accomplish this feat, the company has over time employed a group of capable and motivated employees. VSP views its employees as family. It would be prudent to note that to continue being relevant in an increasingly competitive marketplace, VSP must be ready and willing to embrace more effective formats of doing things.VSP does not have in place a clear dress code policy. This essentially means that employees of the company are free to come to work dressed in attire of their own choosing. As a consequence, from time to time, employees report to work dressed in clothing that could be deemed inappropriate on multiple fronts. While clothes that are too revealing or indecent could paint a bad image of the company from the perspective of clients, other clothing (such as flip-flops and loose clothing) could pose potential safety hazards at the workplace. Whereas the first scenario could result in loss of business, the second case puts employees at risk of injury at the workplace (which by extension poses a liability risk for VSP).This report recommends that a dress code policy be put in place – with the said dress code policy providing clear and concise guidelines regarding the VSP’s expectations with regard to how all company employees should be dressed while at the workplace.RecommendationIt is proposed that the board considers developing and implementing a dress code policy for all employees of VSP. A dress code policy would convey the corporate dress code in an effort to not only ensure that the company is deemed professional by clients and collaborators, but also minimize chances of injuries at the workplace attributed to inappropriate attire for the various functions. The development and implementation of the said dress code policy is crucial as the company seeks to ensure that it retains its current clientele, gains ground in an increasingly competitive business environment, and secures its bottom-line.

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Communication of the Company CultureCompany culture could, in basic terms, be defined as practices, attitudes, as well as goals and values that permeate a company. According to Bratton (2020), one of the factors that influences clients’ viewpoints about a business enterprise is its culture. In seeking to evaluate whether their engagements with a company will be fruitful, clients look for subtle clues about its beliefs, values and attitudes. Bratton (2022)…

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…seek less restrictive working environments. A high employee turnover in this case could have undesirable ripple effects in the form of loss of talent, cost of hiring new staff, training costs, etc.There is reason to believe that one of the main factors that drive employee’s negative perceptions about dress code policy is poor engagement when implementing such a policy. There is plenty of research backing up this particular assertion. Indeed, in the words of Hanson et al. (2021), “multiple research sources consider employee engagement to be a primary antecedent to successfully implementing an organizational change initiative” (137). Towards this end, it would be prudent to seek the insights and input of employees regarding this particular policy initiative. There would also be need to ensure that employees are aware of the relevance and rationale for the dress code policy.ConclusionIt the final analysis, it should be noted that for VSP to continue being relevant in a business environment that is increasingly becoming more competitive, there would be need to ensure that its engagement with clients is mutually beneficial, professional, and within the prescribed organizational culture boundaries. A formal dress code would come in handy in these efforts. Thanks to a policy of this nature, VSP will also be able to protect itself from claims emanating from workplace injuries while at the….....

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