Dream Job Numerous Research Has Term Paper

Total Length: 1127 words ( 4 double-spaced pages)

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The main qualification of the person who would be in any management environment most suitable for a CEO position, is to be an ambitious leader, highly positive and decisive in difficult financial, management, environmental and technical company situations. This personal advantage though must be complemented with other personal skills. Thus, the majority of the advertisements for the CEO positions in big companies stress that the potential CEO must be fully aware of human resources to select the right staff to carry out the strategy of the company, marketing and most importantly accounting and finance. Also, the candidate should have a very successful track record. For example, Pinnacle company requested that the candidate should have the experience of having established and operated business with over U.S.$50 ml in sales. This requirement changes with the company and the industry it operates in.

The majority of the announcements in the career opportunity centers called for ambitious and entrepreneurial persons due to rapidly tightening all markets and increasing competition in the global arena. In order to reach a high position at a multinational company, it is necessary to speak a universal language, which English is, and know a lot about traditions and business culture of major potential markets for the company. The top manager must be decisive to enter the new markets, while also be able to reason and consider the potential risks to make the right managerial decision. Top management representatives should not be too risk averse people as the most successful companies are those who have risked and tried to innovate. According to numerous studies, only those companies which have wise management able to change at least each two years one of their success model elements: either the product, time, place, marketing strategy, price will be able to achieve long-term sustainable profitability.

Also, the companies typically appreciate and require the top managers to continuously improve their skills, abilities and knowledge to match the changing requirement. The first step on the root to my dream job is to decide on the industry in which I would like to become proficient in and which is an attractive industry and thus has good development and growth potential. Then, it is necessary to choose the company which is perceived by the investors as the best growth company in the coming future and thus plans its' expansion and will be able to grow and promote staff. From there, it would be easier to develop necessary personal skills and qualifications to grow within this company and be able to become a competitive employee for the top management. I will be following the management practices and corporate culture of the company for the advantages and faults, and be able to improve the advantages and eliminate any faults in the atmosphere.

The dream must always be realized. Otherwise, the dreams will remain in us and get rotten and in some years spoil our lives by the feeling not self-sufficiency and not self-actualization. The problem is to appoint the root to the dream realization and then keep to the root until the goal is achieved, and not to give up because of small obstacles......

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