Drafting ?I Chose Border Conflicts India China) Essay

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DRAFTING ?I chose border conflicts India China) The writing week focuses interests concerns side border conflict, attempts negotiation resolution. First complete attached prewriting template, submit Saturday, February 2nd.

The Sino-Indian border dispute is probably the oldest conflicts of this kind that has ever existed. The fact that both India and China have experience rapid progress in recent years makes it possible for many to perceive this dispute as being particularly problematic when considering matters from an international point-of-view. It is, however, intriguing to consider both the history and the present condition of this conflict and acknowledge the delicacy of its nature, taking into account that both countries have gotten actively involved in clarifying the matter throughout recent history.

One of the main reasons for the Sino-Indian border dispute goes back during the British colonial era as the English exercised their authority in the area and expressed little to no interest in the aftermath that their actions would generate. What is even more interesting is that the Chinese-Indian border was mostly devised with the purpose of having Tibet function as a buffer zone meant to insure that eventual conflicts between British India and Russia are kept to a minimum. This generated much protest in China as the Chinese realize that they had no say in the matter. "The Simla Convention of 1914 involved the British, Chinese and the Tibetans but the eventual agreement between Britain and Tibet in which the alignment of the Tibet-Assam boundary was agreed upon in the form of the McMahon Line was not recognized by China" (Jacob 35).

The Chinese currently claim approximately 90,000 square kilometers in Indian territory.

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The area is also known as Arunachal Pradesh and is mainly inhabited by individuals of Tibeto-Burman origin. The Chinese generally consider that this area can be considered as being South Tibet and are especially interested in owning it as a result of the fact that they associate it with the Sixth Dalai lama, as he was born there.

Indians are also interested in getting their hands over a large part of Chinese territory as the 1962 conflict left the Chinese with approximately 38,000 square kilometers of Indian land. The Aksai Chin area is generally considered to be part of the larger province of Jammu and Kashmir. The territory "was the original casus belli between the newly independent India and the newly communist China, when the Indians discovered in the late 1950s that the Chinese had constructed a road through it connecting Kashgar with Lhasa" (Jacob 35).

Even with the fact that both the Chinese and the Indians feel that it is very important for them and for their cultural background to retrieve territories that they traditionally consider to be theirs, it appears that international politics are more important in the contemporary society. The two international players practically entered an….....

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