Downfall the Movie Downfall the Movie Review

Total Length: 815 words ( 3 double-spaced pages)

Total Sources: 2

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He is simply overlooked by the other Hitler fanatics who are so caught up in the mob mentality that was so representative of Nazi Germany. Rather than come to his senses, Hitler would rather scorch the earth, or enact the Demolitions of Reich Territory Decree, which was the mass suicide of the German people who remained during the last few weeks of the war.

In this madness, there was a continual belief that the Germans will still win the war, despite the clear fact that the Soviet Army was already well on its way to taking Berlin.

There was not really another possible outcome, because of the social conditions and the practices of the upcoming Nazi regime within Germany at the time. The mob mentality has swept over Germany, because there were no easy solutions to the problems facing the German people. Economic hardships after World War I had caused the decline of the average German's livelihood.

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What resulted was an over abundance of people accepting Hitler's fanatical claims because there was a lack of another viable solution. Hitler had been loosing his touch on reality throughout his rise to power. Yet, his influence seemed to blind those around him because of his seemingly impossible promises during such hard times. Even the most intelligent people in Germany at the time are helpless against the mob influence that brought the Nazi regime to power in Germany. The propaganda machine that was Nazi Germany constantly reinforced Hitler's fanatical ideas and put in the minds of every day Germans that what he was doing was right.

In lieu of other solutions being presented, there was nothing else for these Germans to believe, and so they were quickly swept up in the mob mentality of Nazi Germany......

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