Down Low Is Secret Heterosexual Term Paper

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There are no evidences to prove how many men in general are living on low down and how many of them are Black. Moreover, nobody has an idea as how many of these men carry HIV. Similarly, there is no clue to prove that the men living on DL or their partners are engaged in unsafe-sex habits.

Men on DL, however, protest against this misconception that they are DL men who are spreading AIDS. They insist that black is not the colour of AIDS. This seems true especially when we do not have sufficient evidences to prove DL as the chief contributor to AIDS. There are no tangible facts to support this misconception. However, studies done do far indicate the frequency of high-risk behaviour with all partners among young Black men who have sex with men and women.

The practical part of the whole discussion should be "what to do about it?"

Firstly, DL men should not be isolated. Media should initiate a dialogue on DL lifestyle and help Black community understand the changes that are occurring in today's society. Other communities should learn to tolerate differences in race, gender, culture, as well as sexual orientation. Media should initiate open-minded and non-judgmental dialogue instead of following the policy of "blame, shock and shame.
" Rather than placing blame, media should teach people to have sex safely and responsibly.

Secondly, the fears of discrimination at work, violence in public and unequal treatment in hospitals, public places, churches and meetings should be removed. This can be done by educating people and giving respect to the sufferers.

Thirdly, the individuals living DL life and their partners must be honest to each other and take some decision. Partners who are at risk should test regularly. Testing should always be voluntary and private, and should be followed by proper counselling. This will make sure that no HIV carrier remains unaware of the risk he is living with.

The following simple habits must be instilled in the general public for the prevention of AIDS.

Drug-users should not use dirty needles from other persons

Homosexual men should use reliable condoms

Women who are infected with the HIV are advised not to get pregnant. But if they really want to be mothers they can always adopt a child.

Everybody must have safe sex, and speak honestly to his/her partner about his sex history

Partners should set their own boundaries before getting involved with another person

Sexually active individuals must be screened for possible HIV infection and other STDs.....

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